Facilitating Career Development for the Military Employment Coach credentialed training proposal

Facilitating Career Development for the Military Employment Coach
credentialed training

Facilitating Career Development for the Military Employment Coach credentialed training will
enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals who work in and with military spouses or
members seeking employment or a stronger career focus.
As a participant, you will receive training in each of 12 career competencies recognized by
career development associations (i.e., NCDA). Whether you take the class virtual or in the inseat traditional classroom environment, the training includes hands-on and interactive teaching
methods and opportunities to interact with colleagues from a variety of work settings. Since the
course content covers 12 important competencies, there is plenty of opportunity to build skills
and knowledge in areas that may be new to you, as well as enhance and develop those that you
use every day in your work. Additionally, as the core compliance expert in your installation
military family support center it is vital that you are able to critique career exploration techniques
and tools as well as evaluate the best formal and informal assessment inventories most
commonly utilized to help job seekers obtain and retain employment.

What Will You Learn?

• Career resources
• Employability and the military job seeker and/or spouse
• Career planning processes
• Basic helping and facilitation skills
• Career development models and theories
• Informal and formal assessment approaches
• Unconscious bias actions that commonly impact employment for the military job seeker
and/or spouse
• Development and maintenance of an effective civilian or federal resume
• Establishing effective business relations
• Labor Market Information analysis
• Case management and referral skills
• Ethical and scope-of-practice issues

The secondary purpose of this course is to introduce you to the skills and competencies
necessary pass the NCDA Certified Career Service Provider (CCSP) exam. By completing this
course and passing the exam you are expected to be the core compliance expert in career
planning and development for your center. Additionally, you must maintain this credential by
completing continuing education units each year. You can obtain information about CEU
opportunities on the NCDA website (see below for more information).

What is a Career Services Provider?

A Career Services Provider is a person who has completed the Facilitating Career Development
for the Military Employment Coach credentialed training program and works in a military employment-based support center. A Career Services Provider has received in-depth training in
the areas of career development in the form of up to 120+ class/instructional hours, provided by
a nationally trained and qualified instructor Dr. Bret Anderson.
This title designates individuals working in a military employment setting. Working as a
Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) you may serve as a career group facilitator, job
search trainer, career resource center coordinator, career coach, career development case
manager, occupational and labor market information resource person, human resource career
development coordinator, employment/placement specialist, or workforce development staff

What is a CCSP – Certified Career Services Provider?

The CCSP is available through the NCDA Credentialing Commission. Individuals who have
completed the Facilitating Career Development for the Military Employment Coach credentialed
training program are eligible to apply for this competency-based credential. To learn more about
this exciting credential and other new credentials available please visit

Costs (in-seat)
$19,800 – bulk rate for in-seat between 25 – 30 students per class
Length of Course Delivery – in-seat option
4.5 days (anticipated number of courses 3)

Costs (Virtual)
$19,800 – bulk rate for Virtual 15 students per course
Length of Course Delivery – Virtual (content delivery